Cool Wheels Scooter FR58352
Product Description :
Join the smart parent club – give your kid a great way to get outside exercising, training balance and coordination and have fun. Give your kid a great start. it helps them to develops their brain. Let them exercise balance, coordination, agility, strength and resilience and control direction with their hands. From about 8 years old upwards, scooters are a super portable and versatile mode of transportation around the neighbourhood Unique Front Wheel Steering Device and adjustable height handle bars, which accommodates your kid’s unique skill level. As they explore, a rear brake and extra-wide deck offers reliable safety. It Has A non Slip Deck and easy folding mechanism and is v knight weight Note: the endurance mileage is measured at the constant speed of 10km/h on the conditions of full energy, flat road and wind-free environment with the temperature of 20degreeand loading the weight of 100kg. The actual endurance varies with weight, temperature, wind speed, road condition and operating behaviours The power will be exhausted quickly in case of the greater weight, faster driving speed and higher temperature
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